Support the Team

A big thanks to our current sponsors, volunteers and fans!

There are a few different ways to support the Berserkers!

Read more about: Sponsorship opportunities, Volunteering, Shopping Berserkers gear, Donations, or Coming to the games.

Sponsorship opportunities

Please email es.srekresreb@ofni for more information.


Purchase from your favourite brands via the link below and the club receives a % of your shop! It costs nothing extra to you and can help the club hugely. There are over 600 stores to shop from including H&M, Apotek, Stadium, Zalando, Adidas and Ticketmaster! Sponsorhuset - Earn money for Stockholm Berserkers Rugby FC. Shop from well-known online stores!


It takes a village to play a rugby match. Let us know if you are interested in helping with transport or lodging for games or tours, helping run the snack kiosk for home games, recording or keeping analytics for matches, or helping out with practices.

Please email es.srekresreb@ofni if you would like to help.

Shopping Berserkers gear

Coming soon.


Please email es.srekresreb@ofni for more information.

Coming to the games

We always appriciate a home crowd! Check out the women's team calendar & men's team calendar for information on when and where games will be <3. Please also follow us on Instagram, TikTok, or Facebook to show your support.